2014 KCPA Print and PDI Competition for 2014

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2014 KCPA Print and PDI Competition for 2014

As i'am lacking any reliable internet connection i have added a summary below of above with further details to follow once all working.


KCPA Annual Print &PDI Exhibition conditions 2014

The competition is open to all members of KCPA Associates (Clubs).

The KCPA may, at its discretion, exclude any entry that it considers might cause offence
Entrants may only submit entries through one KCPA associate (club).

The entrant must hold the copyright for each entry.

The KCPA and the PAGB reserves the right to publish any entry in the KCPA and PAGB Exhibition Handbook or CD without payment. (The copyright remains with the author). Some entered prints and PDI’s will be considered by the KCPA for selection into the PAGB Inter Federation Print and Projected Image Competitions and Exhibition. Members may instruct the selectors to exclude their images from this process on the entry form.

All Photographs/PDI must have a title.

The Photograph/PDI itself must not display the title or author name.

The submission of an entry to the exhibition implies that the associate and the member accept all the rules of entry.

The photograph/PDI must be the original photographic work of the photographer (i.e. images contained within commercially available software may not be used).

No print previously accepted in a KCPA Annual Exhibition will be eligible. PDI’s that have been awarded in the previous KCPA Digital Competition or have been accepted by the PAGB are not eligible.

All reasonable care will be taken with entries but neither the KCPA, or any of its members, shall be held responsible for any loss or damage that might occur while an entry is in their charge.
Entry fees should be through a single cheque per club, made out to the KCPA, which includes all entries and are not refundable.

A maximum of 15 entries is allowed in print and PDI (total maximum of 30) from each entrant. With a maximum of 6 in any category. The Judges will award the best prints and PDI in each of the following categories: Colour Pictorial, Mono Pictorial, Portraiture, Record and Nature. The Kent Messenger Trophy will be presented to the best example of photojournalism/reportage chosen from print or PDI.

Mounts must be 400x500mm and a maximum thickness of 4mm and have no abrasive material on the reverse side (e.g. Velcro). The 4mm thickness is to suit the KCPA and PAGB frames. Prints breaking this rule will be disqualified.

Official print labels can be downloaded from the website and each label should be affixed to the rear of the mount and be as near as possible to the top right hand corner. The label must bear the name of the entrant, the associate, the category and the title.

Each package must be clearly labeled with the name and number of the associate together with the name, address and telephone number of each entrant.

All entries should be packed in Nomad (or equivalent) print boxes. If there are more entries than can be placed in 1 box additional boxes should be used. Boxes must be marked with the club name. Sufficient return postage must be included with the entry if return of entries by post is required.

Arrangements for the return of entries are the responsibility of the entering associate; it is not the responsibility of the KCPA. The entries not selected will be ready for collection immediately after judging is completed and will include a list of images returned. Club secretaries or their nominated receiver will be required to acknowledge receipt of the returned images.

Selected entries will be returned after the exhibition to club secretaries or their nominees who will be asked to sign for them when collected from the Exhibition on the day is taken down.
Image files must be in jpeg format and sRGB colour space. They can be monochrome or colour. Maximum 1400 pixels wide and 1050 pixels high. Smaller images will be projected with a black background.
For each image the file name should be its entry number then a space followed by the title.
1 Bumblebee in flight.... 2 Lakeside Tree...... 3 Sunset......    4 Mountain View. 

The images must be placed in a single folder whose name is the entrant’s name and up to 3 distinctions.
i.e. Harry Smith CPAGB, BPE2, LRPS
 then into a folder with the category name i.e. Nature, Colour etc.

CDs must be virus free. All CDs will be checked when submitted and any found with a virus will not be accepted.
Images must not contain layers; they must be ‘flattened’ prior to submission.

An entry disc can contain entries from more than one photographer, but they must have their own folder with their name as per point 19, these will be destroyed after judging.

Contact within OPS - Barrie Duffield - further details to follow


The Faversham and District Camera Club are hosting the Diamond Jubilee Trophy Competition on behalf of the Kent Photographic Association (KCPA)  This is an Annual PDI Competition open to all Associate members (Clubs) of the KCPA.  Each Club may submit a panel up to a maximum  of  8 PDI’s. We encourage you to enter this great competition and look forward to  receiving your entries for this prestigious event.

As above for contact