2017 Audio-Visual Competition for Digitally Projected Sequences

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2017 Audio-Visual Competition for Digitally Projected Sequences

Dear Secretary / Delegate​
2017 Audio-Visual Competition for Digitally Projected Sequences
Organised and Hosted by Carshalton Camera Club.
We are pleased to invite your members to participate in the above event, which will take place on Saturday 18th February 2017, at The Ruskin Hall, Carshalton Methodist Church, Ruskin Road, Carshalton SM5 3DE.
Doors open at 1.30pm for 2.00 pm start. The event will end at about 6.00pm.
Entries are invited from your individual members and, in addition, each club is invited to submit one entry, produced collectively by 3 or more members of your club. Please nominate a co-ordinator for your club to deal with your club’s entries and fees.
Sequences are to be digitally projected. Please see the attached notes for details of entry requirements and please would you ensure that each member intending to enter is made aware of the current Rules and Conditions of Entry, a copy of which is attached.
The entry form, entry fees and sequences (on Memory Stick, CD or DVD), should be sent to Gerald Kitiyakara to be received by Monday 9th January 2017.  
As Carshalton Camera Club meets on a Monday evening*, you may wish to come along on that date to hand in these items and stay for the meeting as a guest. The visiting speaker will be Steve Wilbur, who will be giving his talk entitled “Travels with a Tripod”.
Your members and friends are also invited to attend as a member of the audience. Admission will be by ticket at £5.00 each (including a copy of the programme and refreshments). Advance purchase would be preferred, for which an order form is enclosed, but tickets may be bought at the door. The programme will be handed to you on the day at the door.
Although the event is principally a Competition, it is also an afternoon of entertainment with music, interesting pictures, storylines and humour where appropriate. We hope that the afternoon will have a general appeal beyond camera club photographers.
Yours sincerely,
Gerald Kitiyakara
Gerald Kitiyakara (Organiser)                
Tel. (mobile): 07790 599302                          
e-mail: gdkphoto@gmail.com
* venue: Lower Park Hall, Carshalton Methodist Church, Ruskin Road,
  Carshalton SM5 3DE