I am making a slight change to how we do the forum based photographic challenges we have been doing for the past year. I appreciate that sometimes it is difficult to get some photos on a topic each month and you may have seen a perfect photo a few days/weeks before the topic was announced. To aid with this, I will detail all the topics in this post.
The challenges will not be running every monthThe other change is we won't be judging/voting on them online. I started this as a bit of fun during the dark days of lockdown, now we can get out a bit, some of the topics will lead into topics on the programme. Feel free to post some pictures, ask for ideas and feedback, these forums are not visible to external judges.
October is Long ExposureThis will fit in with the PDI challenge on the 9th November, where we will have a member's evening where your entries will be voted on live that night. Full details to follow soon but get ready with the ND filters or light painting feature on your camera.
November, rest easyNo challenge this month, feel free to work on the December or January topics and your print and PDI round 2 entries.
December, Try something differentThis fits in with our topic for the first meeting in January 2022. Try a new area of photography, be brave, be humble and show us your work on the 4th January.
January, Still LifeThis fits in with our PDI challenge on the 25th January. This will be judged by Kirsty Ralfs.
Please discuss ideas and setups for still life but don't necessarily share your final images, save them for the night.
February, Triptych/Diptych challengeInspired by using the online photocollage tool,
https://www.photocollage.com, create a Triptych or Diptych panel (digital/PDI is fine) on a topic of your choice. We would like you to discuss your work at a meeting on the 22nd February.
March and April no challengesFocus on the third and final print competition and then select your images for PDI, Colour and Mono print finals, which take place.
May to September summer challengeDetails to be advised at the AGM.