3 Photo Competitions

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3 Photo Competitions

Chris Sawyer
Hi Orpington Photographic Society

Hope you can get together now that restrictions are easing. I thought that I would just drop you a note with information on our 3 great photographic competitions which your members may be interested in entering.

 Win a copy of Win a copy of DxO PureRAW by DxO software worth £115 plus membership to The Societies.

**NEW** Beauty of Nature Photography Competition

 This new competition is now open and once again free to enter. The topic is Beauty of Nature and images are welcome from anything in the natural world and the wonderful wildlife that we share this planet with.

We would love to see your images from your gardens, walks, birdwatchers, any type of nature, wildlife and landscape that you have caught and wish to share are all welcome in this great competition.

Enter here https://sinwp.com/bon21/     

**NEW** Urban Stories Photography Competition

 Urban Stories is the theme of this month’s competition; the images can define the moments that our lenses capture every day, from moments of joy to scenes of sadness and destitution. So, let your creative eye seek out the wonders that we see before us out in the real world if street and travel photography.

 We want to see any type of your captured images from your travels from around the globe.

Enter here https://sittp.com/us21/   

 SINWP Bird Photographer of the Year 2021 in aid of RSPB
The Society of International Nature and Wildlife Photographers is pleased to announce that the Bird Photographer of the Year Competition in aid of RSPB is back for its 4th year running.

Over £500 worth of prizes to be won.

 The 2020 competition raised a whopping £2,120.61 for the RSPB

 A minimum donation of £1 per image is requested and 100% of the donations will go straight to the RSPB to help them protect wildlife and the wider countryside you love.

More info here https://sinwp.com/bird/

 Ben Jones

The Societies of Photographers

Try us out free for 2 months days here https://thesocieties.net/try/