31 March 2015 - meeting update

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31 March 2015 - meeting update

David Barnes
The image to be interpreted for this meeting and the rules/guidelines can be found in the "Downloads" section of the website. The image can be downloaded from there.
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Re: 31 March 2015 - meeting update

Malcolm Ming
Hi all,  
Reminder that the interpretation image can be found on the downloads section of the main website.  All the instructions are there. It is preferable to send them prior to the 31st SSO that we can prepare the "competition", but we will however accept images on the night. Yes, it is a competition and Chris Sawyer has promised a prize.  It just takes time to sort out etc, so sending them in beforehand will be useful to the poor sod driving the computer.

Finally, it does say up to 3 images, but feel free to bring as many as you wish.  
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Re: 31 March 2015 - meeting update

Chris Sawyer

Last night we held our 'Interpretation of an Image' competition.  8 members entered 29 images in total.  After a run through and comments on each image a vote was held.  Members were asked to vote on every image they liked.  The result of the first ballot was a hung parliament with 3 images receiving 10 votes each.  After a re-count the final positions were:

1st - Lost in Space (by David Barnes)
2nd - Mind the Cliffs (by Chris Sawyer)
3rd - Watching 2 (by David Grimwade) - later re-named "Cathedral"

The authors then explained how they created their masterpieces.  Here's a couple of examples: