5th November Meeting

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5th November Meeting

OPS Notices
The Member's Meeting planned for 5th November has been rescheduled to the New Year. This is to allow for a talk from Gill McDonald a veteran underwater photographer.

Gill’s photos and articles are regularly published in marine media and she runs tailor-made underwater photography workshops and courses. After three and a half years teaching in North Sulawesi, Indonesia and Anilao, Philippines she is now teaching in Grand Cayman in the Caribbean.

This will be a free talk to members with refreshments offered at £1. A bargain!

An opportunity that couldn't be passed over.
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Re: 5th November Meeting

OPS Notices
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Re: 5th November Meeting

Paul Brett
If I'm out of hospital I will attend along with #3 daughter who will have chauffeur duties.  She is also a keen scuba diver and has dived in the far east & Australia so is looking forward to this.