68th AGM Agenda (2016)

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68th AGM Agenda (2016)

Alan Graham
This post was updated on .
68th OPS AGM being held on Tuesday 26th April 2016.

Agenda: 68th AGM Agenda.pdf

The minutes from the 67th AGM (2015): 2015_AGM_minutes.pdf

Please bring copies of these documents along to the meeting.
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Re: 68th AGM Agenda (2016)

Alan Graham
FYI: The 68th AGM agenda and the minutes of last year's AGM are now available to download and print on the forum.
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Re: Chairmans Report for 68th AGM Agenda (2016)

AGM report from Chairman

Firstly thanks to our Committee for supporting myself in the first of a two year stint as Chairman of OPS.

I feel we have adjusted and cut our cloth to accommodate the recent drop in membership that has given several moments of concern about the longevity of the Club and ability to use these fine premises.

As you may note from the excellent report from our Treasurer, by far our largest outlay each year goes towards hiring this Hall and to maintain this tradition we need to continue promoting our club to new members rather than increasing subs.

We have been successful in welcoming several new members, one or two have found it difficult to continue regular Tuesday meetings due to work commitments and i  sympathise with that view as i could not have been an active member of any club during my working years.

Its the committees intention to expand our external Outings and Activities for those who are still building up confidence towards submitting internal and external competitions plus our evening Discussion groups will increase our knowledge on various levels of photographic techniques and software.

The committee continue to need support from members in certain roles within the club and i look forward to seeing new faces in projects we are looking to develop during 2016/17

Unfortunately, my right hand man (VC) Richard has seen several months of enforced absence in Wales due to family commitments but even with these issues Richard with support from Alan have pulled together an excellent programme for 2016/17, which being one of the roles we would like to receive support from existing members.

As everyone should be aware, our Exhibition will once again be held at the OVH on 3rd Sept. where it's an opportunity to invite family and friends especially potential new members to the afternoon event, this is our best opportunity to improve our profile in the district and encourage new members to join the club via the support from Orpington First and our displays at the Village Halls.

Thanks and here's to my second year.