70th Anniversary Celebrations - 20th March 2018

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70th Anniversary Celebrations - 20th March 2018

Chris Sawyer
Our meeting on Tuesday 20th March will be a sit-down buffet to celebrate the club's 70th anniversary.

This will NOT be a normal club night as you will need to purchase a ticket in advance to attend.

Tickets are reasonably priced at £15 which will cover the cost of the food provided.  Please BYO drinks and glasses.

There will also be a short photographic competition between OPS and Rotorua (New Zealand).    Further details of the evening will be announced at club meetings.

If you are intending to come along on the night, please can you pay me by Tuesday 27th February (cheques payable to Orpington Photographic Society).


The Society celebrates its 70th anniversary in 2018 and an evening of events has been arranged for Tuesday, 20th March 2018 at Christ Church, Charterhouse Road, Orpington.

The evening will start at 8pm with a short photographic competition followed by a sit-down buffet meal.   The meal has been priced at £15.00 per head.
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Re: 70th Anniversary Celebrations - 20th March 2018

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Re: 70th Anniversary Celebrations - 20th March 2018

Chris Sawyer
Thanks for posting the pictures Barrie.

I must say your fish-eye doesn't flatter the fuller figure man.

Will any of these be available in jpeg 1400x1050 max?

Cheers,  Chris
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Re: 70th Anniversary Celebrations - 20th March 2018

Afraid this was wide angle, the camera never lies but maybe I am

Yes also available in other sizes but do you really want them projected.....

Sent from my iPhone

On 21 Mar 2018, at 11:27, Chris Sawyer [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Thanks for posting the pictures Barrie.

I must say your fish-eye doesn't flatter the fuller figure man.

Will any of these be available in jpeg 1400x1050 max?

Cheers,  Chris

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Re: 70th Anniversary Celebrations - 20th March 2018

Alan Graham
In reply to this post by Chris Sawyer
After his great success with the coin in the bottle magic trick during the 70th anniversary evening Steve has tried to learn a new trick.

Unfortunately pulling a rabbit from the hat didn't quick go to plan (a slight mix up with the spell I believe) but he hopes the side effects will wear off before our next meeting...

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