AGM 26th April 2022 at 8pm

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AGM 26th April 2022 at 8pm

Chris Sawyer
Dear Member,

Please find attached the agenda for the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 26th April 2022 to be held at the church hall:


Here are the minutes of the previous AGM:


There will also be a presentation of trophies and certificates at the AGM followed by drinks and an auction.

Chris Sawyer
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Re: AGM 26th April 2022 at 8pm

Chris Sawyer
A big thank you to Richard for organising the auction at the AGM last night.  It was very generous of him to donate the proceeds of the photo equipment to the club.

It was very entertaining and I look forward to seeing Richard on the shopping channel demonstrating camera accessories.

Thanks also to David Grimwade and David Bacon for their auction items and to all those that contributed on the night.

A total of £218 was raised for the club which I am sure will come in very useful in the future.