Amendments to 2021/2022 programme

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Amendments to 2021/2022 programme

OPS Notices

As you know, we occasionally make amendments to the programme. This topic will be used to highlight any changes.

The first changes is that we have managed to add an additional talk on the 26th October, title 'Capturing time' by John Miskelley FRPS, FBIPP & FIFF.
You can learn more about John from his website here:

This will be a Zoom meeting as John is based in Northern Ireland and by using Zoom, we can bring in guest speakers from further afield for the same costs.

The programme on the website has been updated.
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Re: Amendments to 2021/2022 programme

OPS Notices

There have been a few additional tweaks to the programme, which is now available on the website.

December 2021
A reminder that the quiz on the 14th December also has the annual fund-raising raffle. Bring along any photographic equipment you want to sell or a bottle or two of your favourite tipple?

February 2022
The monthly challenge for February will be on Triptych (or Diptych photos).

1st Feb was, Triptych challenge  now Camera Workshop part 1 (bring props, take photos).
15th Feb was Camera workshop part 1, now Camera Workshop part 2, show your homework,
22nd Feb was Camera workshop part 2, now Triptych challenge, This is judged by the members and the monthly challenge will help you with this task.

March 2022
The talk planned for the 22nd March, on the works of John Howard has been cancelled. An alternative will be made. Any recommendations from the members will be considered.
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Re: Amendments to 2021/2022 programme

The programme published on the website contains a number of date errors:

November 2020 should be 2021
December 2020 should be 2021
January 2021, February 2021, March 2021 and April 2021 should all be 2022

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Re: Amendments to 2021/2022 programme

Peter, thanks for spotting these typos.
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Re: Amendments to 2021/2022 programme

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by PeterH
I was just testing you all.
Typos corrected and programme re-uploaded to the website. As I inadvertently mentioned going back to 2020, this was appropriate:
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Re: Amendments to 2021/2022 programme

In reply to this post by OPS Notices
Thank you Ian for the amendments.

With regards to John Howard’s work - Peggy, his wife and I were really keen to show his wonderful work but, during the Covid periods, his children decided they wanted to share out his photographs so it has all gone onto them.

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Re: Amendments to 2021/2022 programme

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by OPS Notices

A few changes to our advertised programme.

The talk "Capturing time" has moved to the 18th January 2022.
On the originally advertised date of the 26th October is a SLF competition. Members will be provided a link to the Zoom meeting nearer to the time.
The revised programme is now available on the website.
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Re: Amendments to 2021/2022 programme

OPS Notices
In reply to this post by OPS Notices
Another minor revision to the 2021/2022 programme.

The 'Still life' PDI Challenge on the 25th January 2022 has been changed to a Zoom meeting. Members will be provided with a Zoom meeting link one week before.

To make the arrangements easier, please provide your PDI images by Tuesday 11th January.
The website and programme have been updated to reflect this change.