An invitation from Old Coulsdon CC

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An invitation from Old Coulsdon CC

David Barnes
 Please pass this to your members -  Visitors £4 on the door - Cameron Hall, Congregational Church,
Canon's Hill, Old Coulsdon,
Surrey, CR5 1HA 7.45

Tuesday 27 September (next week)

Talk by Colleen Slater ARPS called  'Up close Very Close'

We have a great photographer coming to talk about macro nature photography

She has a background in Fine Art painting, Lived in Brighton since 1978 and working as a photographer since 2006. She has a particular interest in macro photography and through her images, hope to draw attention to the ordinary, often unnoticed things in the everyday world which appear extraordinary and sometimes unworldly when seen through a macro lens’.

Colleen lectures on macro photography and tutors digital imaging software, including Lightroom and Photoshop, She is an Associate of the Royal Photographic Society whose work is regularly shown in International exhibitions and used in various publications.