Annual Dinner & Awards - 18th June, 6pm

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Annual Dinner & Awards - 18th June, 6pm

Chris Sawyer
The Annual Dinner will be held on:

  Saturday, 18th June 2016 from 6pm to 9pm.

The location is:

  BR6 Restaurant, Orpington College, The Walnuts, BR6 OTE (opposite Orpington Library)

There will be a 3-course meal and coffee.

Following the meal, the trophies and certificates for this season's competitions will be awarded.  These include the colour print, mono print and PDI competitions, and the New Members Cup.

The price (including tips) is £28 and tickets can be purchased from Chris Sawyer at next Tuesday's meeting (19th April).

The menu is attached below:

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Re: Annual Dinner & Awards - 18th June, 6pm

Chris Sawyer
Here's a link to the BR6 Restaurant:

...and here's a photo I took when it opened for the first time in Sept 2015:

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Re: Annual Dinner & Awards - 18th June, 6pm

Chris Sawyer
There's just one week left to book your place at the OPS Annual Dinner & Awards.

The event will be held at the BR6 restaurant in The Walnuts on Saturday 18th June from 6pm to 9pm.

The ticket price is £28 for a 3-course meal, coffee and drink on arrival.

Here is the menu:


If you are interested in attending please let me know via the Forum by Monday 23rd May.  

You will also need to let me know your choice of starter (pate or crab) and main course (sea trout or chicken).

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Re: Annual Dinner & Awards - 18th June, 6pm

Chris Sawyer
I hope everyone that attended enjoyed the Annual Dinner & Awards on Saturday night.

Here are the winners of the trophies for 2016 together with a reminder of some of the food consumed:

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Re: Annual Dinner & Awards - 18th June, 6pm

Alan Graham
Thanks Chris.

Amazing how you've made the people smaller and the food look bigger... ;o)
Click.... Blank....
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Re: Annual Dinner & Awards - 18th June, 6pm

Sorry Richard in spoiling your photo - i'am sure CS could have taken multi shots other than a cheesy stretching person on the right