Annual General Meeting - Tuesday 24th April 2018

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Annual General Meeting - Tuesday 24th April 2018

Chris Sawyer
The 70th AGM will be held at our last meeting of the season on Tuesday 24th April 2018.

Here is the agenda for the meeting (a nomination form is also attached):


The minutes of the previous AGM follow:


Chris Sawyer
OPS Secretary

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Re: Annual General Meeting - Tuesday 24th April 2018

OPS Notices
May I remind everyone that the presentation of all trophies and certificates awarded during the season will be held just before the official start of the AGM on Tuesday 24th April 2018.

The trophies will be engraved after the event and returned to the winners asap.

The outgoing Committee would like to thank all the members who took part in this season's competitions.
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Re: Annual General Meeting - Tuesday 24th April 2018

In reply to this post by Chris Sawyer
Chris, would you please record my apologies for the AGM as we shall be away.
Thank you
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Re: Annual General Meeting - Tuesday 24th April 2018

Chris Sawyer
Thanks for letting me know Jan - I'll record it in the minutes.
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Re: Annual General Meeting - Tuesday 24th April 2018

Mick McHale
In reply to this post by Chris Sawyer
Chris, I hope you are well. I tried to open the documents with no luck. What format are they in?

Kind Regards

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Re: Annual General Meeting - Tuesday 24th April 2018

Chris Sawyer

They are 'Microsoft Office WORD' documents.  I hope you can open them OK.

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Re: Annual General Meeting - Tuesday 24th April 2018

OPS Notices
Here's a pdf version if it helps.

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Re: Annual General Meeting - Tuesday 24th April 2018

Bob Mabberley
This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Chris Sawyer
Hi Chris
I thought I would just my farewells now as I will not be at the AGM this year. Its been a bit of an up and down journey since I joined but I have the feeling that the club is on a stronger footing than three years ago, with more members and several new kids on the block to keep everyone on there toes. Mind you I am not sure the membership ought to let the committee depart en block.
Belonging to OPS has rekindled my interest in photography. It has had to take a back seat recently but I will be looking to join a club down in the Taunton area when I move, I hope they have categories for grass track etc!
Good luck in the remaining Competitions this year and of course when it starts again in the Autumn.
Very best regards to all
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Re: Annual General Meeting - Tuesday 24th April 2018

Chris Sawyer
Hi Bob,

Thank you very much for your kind words.  It was good to have you around for the three years you were at the club.  You were always very enthusiastic and threw yourself into the various competitions.  Who can forget the Fibonacci sequence in one of your panels!  It was good to see you collecting the new member trophy and various certificates for your work.  On behalf of the club I wish you all the best for your new life in Taunton and hope you continue to enjoy your photography there.

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Re: Annual General Meeting - Tuesday 24th April 2018

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by Chris Sawyer
It is traditional for the club to have drinks after the AGM.  This hopefully encourages a shorter meeting and gives some time to chat afterwards!

There will be a selection of drinks and snacks after the AGM.  Please can you bring along £2 as a contribution towards them.

Thank you.