Any candid photos of club members/outings?

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Any candid photos of club members/outings?

Ian Stedman

I'll start refreshing the club website in the next few weeks. On the front page, I'd like to show the 'normal' club members and things we do as a club, rather than our best work (which will move to another gallery).
If you have any candid photos of the club members from the outings of recent camera workshop, can you send them to me please?

use the email address

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Re: Any candid photos of club members/outings?

Ian Stedman

Thank you to David B, Chris S, Philip and Richard for sending me some photos. I've updated the website to feature them on the front page.
Any feedback, good or bad is appreciated.
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Re: Any candid photos of club members/outings?

Chris Sawyer

Thanks for setting up the slide show on the website.  It looks good and hopefully might attract some members.  

The wordy bits are also good and I like the side panel with what we are doing over the next few weeks.