Autumnal Photography

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Re: Autumnal Photography

I had my first excursion in Lockdown two this morning when taking one of the Grandog's over to the now closed Golf Course.

But with a fantastic moody mist i was pleased to get these photos that make the course "Lake" a lot more interesting than usual.

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Re: Autumnal Photography

Alan Graham
Very nice Barrie, I hope you disinfected the Grandog and lead before taking possession!

I too went on my first Lockdown excursion this morning. I'm very close to the countryside.

No moody mist but mud and brambles hiding under the long grass.

This one I am calling 'Fall'...

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Re: Autumnal Photography

wow... that does not look like an Autumnal Fall

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Re: Autumnal Photography

Ian Stedman
Saw this in my garden today:

I believe it is a Sparrowhawk (or that's the Picture bird app told me). Show with my phone as I did not have time to grab the other camera.
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Re: Autumnal Photography

Alan Graham
Well done Ian but you really should carry your camera with you at all times...

The only time I saw a Sparrow Hawk in my garden was some time back. There was a bang on my patio door, I thought the kids had hit a ball against it. When I looked I saw a pigeon flying down the garden upside-down! I then realised it was being carried off by the hawk that must have chased it into the patio door. The incident had left a dust imprint of the pigeon on the glass.
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Re: Autumnal Photography

Alan Graham
I know the Pep Ventosa style of multiple images isn't everyone's cup of tea but when I noticed this bush in my garden standing out in the rain and morning gloom I couldn't resist. Only about 7 images used in this one.

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Re: Autumnal Photography

In reply to this post by Bazza
chislehurst woods
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Re: Autumnal Photography

It's not very Autumnal photo but found this Parakeet (Psittacula krameri) perching on my new Squirrel & Large Bird proof feeder, trying to work out how to access all those seeds....