Beckenham PS Exhibition - 16th to 18th February 2023

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Beckenham PS Exhibition - 16th to 18th February 2023

Chris Sawyer
Greetings from Beckenham Photographic Society! This is a warm invitation to our annual exhibition, which is running from 16th - 18th February at Christ Church Halls in the centre of Beckenham. We'd love to see you and your members if you are free to visit, please do share the attached flyer with everyone there.


With very best wishes,

Cathy Myers
Secretary (BPS)

BPS 2023 Exhibition

Our 2023 exhibition promises to be one of our best ever with 91 prints and 60 PDIs on view. As always, there is a huge variety of subject matter, styles and treatment of images. Indeed, our Judge Tim Morland ARPS particularly commented on the depth and technical virtuosity displayed in our work.

At our opening on Wednesday 15th February at 8pm all will be revealed. It also offers the opportunity for members to invite family and friends to see our photography.

Please also feel free to distribute our flyer with details of the exhibition to anyone you know who may be interested in photography and encourage them to visit up until Saturday 18th February.

This year there will be a slight change in that visitors will be able to vote for their Favourite Print and Favourite PDI rather than an overall favourite.

Please do come if you can - you'll be warmly welcomed by members of BPS who'll be stewarding the exhibition each day.