Beckenham Photographic Society is marking its first 100 years with a Centenary Celebration Day, a one-day event featuring four top photographic speakers: Tammy Marlar, Clive Booth, Mike Curry and BBC Security Correspondent, Frank Gardner.
This exciting event will take place at the Kent County Cricket Ground in Worsley Bridge Road, Beckenham on Sunday 27th March 2022 from 10am to 5pm.
Tickets cost £25 each and include refreshments, a light lunch and a free gift - incredible value for a whole day of photographic inspiration! The overall cost has been partially offset by BPS members’ fund-raising and donations.
For details of the speakers and obtain your ticket(s) - please follow this link to Eventbrite’s website:
This is a fantastic opportunity to enjoy a day with other photographers and be inspired by presentations on a wide range of photographic subjects.
If you have any questions please contact
All the very best for 2022
Lesley Rees ARPS
President, Beckenham Photographic Society