Bexley Camera Fair - Sunday 14th October 2018

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Bexley Camera Fair - Sunday 14th October 2018

Chris Sawyer
From: The 'Organiser South London Camerafair':

Our Camerafair is on this Sunday, 14th October, at the Freemantle Hall, Bexley Village, DA5 1AA.

More information can be found by clicking the following link:

Visitors can bring along with them their surplus photographic equipment to sell or part exchange for something else.

Finally, I am attaching a general leaflet for your kind attention.

Please feel free to contact me should you need further information or anything else I could do for your organisation.

Thank you for your continuous support which is greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

(George Kozobolis ARPS)
Organiser South London Camerafair
Tel: 020 8852 7437
Mob: 07944 772365