Bexley Camera fair- 15th September

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Bexley Camera fair- 15th September

Chris Sawyer
From the organiser of Bexley Camerafair

A reminder for our Bexley Camerafair on Sunday 15th September 2024 in Freemantle Hall, Bexley High Street, Bexley Village, DA5 1AA, 8:30 am - 1:30 pm.

Please kindly forward this email to members in your database and to anyone you think that may find this of interest.

Please note that members of PCCG, and photographic clubs/Societies etc can visit the fair at any time for just £3. Also there is an ongoing promotion for free anytime entry to three members from each club by mentioning the club’s name, membership card, or this email, on a first come basis.