Big Cat Sanctuary, Smarden, Kent

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Big Cat Sanctuary, Smarden, Kent

Chris Sawyer
Subject: Big Cat Photography


I am the Lead Photographer at the Big Cat Sanctuary, Smarden, Kent

I have worked at the Sanctuary, for nine years, as Head of Photography Workshops and I am the lead photographer, providing images for BCS Social media, promotional work, retail print etc. I may know a few of your members. I have given a couple of talks/presentations at Clubs in Kent, and more are planned later in the year.


Quite a few of my guests over the past nine years, have asked if I could do more presentations /teachings and I wonder if you would be interested in my new Big Cat Photography Days:

I am in the process of setting up this new experience where photography guests can come to our Education Room, in the ARC (Animal Resource centre) for a presentation of our Big/Small Cat images and go through the process of camera settings/avoiding mesh etc. and developing a style of photography.

Guests will have a buffet lunch provided and after lunch, go out for two hours with one of our tour guides. This will enable them to take photographs within the stand-off areas, close to the mesh, of the cats available on the day. This will involve Jaguars; Lions; Tigers and leopards. They will also learn about BCS, animal welfare and conservation.

10.00 - Arrive at 10.00am for tea/coffee intro.
- Presentation of images
- Advice on camera settings
12.00 : Lunch
12.45 : Tour and opportunity to take photographs with Tour guide
14.45 : Return to the Education Room in the ARC (Animal Resource Centre) for critique/sharing of images and advice on post processing.
15.30 : End of the Big Cat Photography Day & opportunity to visit the BCS shop

Cost £200 pp.

I hope the days would be of interest to members. If you could spread the word that would be wonderful, thank you. Alternatively, I could contact each club, individually, if you think that would be the best approach. Be assured all costs are passed on to help with the welfare of these amazing animals.

I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes
Alma Leaper