Blood Moon due 27th and 28th July

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Blood Moon due 27th and 28th July

Look out for the perfect foreground to the following


To the superstitious, a lunar eclipse is seen as heralding an apocalyptic disaster but those wanting to bring it home  won’t — and this month will see the longest eclipse of the 21st century, lasting one hour and 43 minutes, as the moon passes through Earth’s shadow.

It will turn brick red, explaining the name of the phenomenon “blood moon”. At the same time Mars will appear brighter than usual as it makes its closest approach to Earth for 15 years.

So the red planet will appear low on the horizon on the night of July 27 and July 28, while the red moon will be slightly higher.
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Re: Blood Moon due 27th and 28th July

David Barnes
The Daily Express, an organ of truth and moderation, says that peak eclipse is at 9:20pm