Brands Hatch Cycling Event Saturday 10th Sept.

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Brands Hatch Cycling Event Saturday 10th Sept.

Due to a connection we have built with GSAvanti (Orpington Cycling Club) we were requested to provide photographers at a Time Trial Cycling Event at Brands early Saturday morning (albeit very short notice)

Assurances were made that we would be allowed access to the trackside for these photos which incentivised
our efforts.

Richard, Alan, Chris and myself arrived before 7.30 for the briefing but found unfortunately the BH authorities were not willing accept us trackside unless we had proof of our Public Liability cover within the Club.

Thankfully, Chris remembered his remote access PW and obtained the necessary proof which allowed us to take several hundred shots from 8am to 10am - just before the rain arrived.

To give visual proof to this one off experience please see below
OPS paparazzi

Alan will post a link to the Flickr page - as my efforts have failed miserably

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Re: Brands Hatch Cycling Event Saturday 10th Sept.

Alan Graham
Images have started to be downloaded onto a new Flickr Group called GS Avanti @ Brands Hatch.
Click.... Blank....