Brooklands Museum, Austin Morris Day ~ 8th March 2015

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Brooklands Museum, Austin Morris Day ~ 8th March 2015

Alan Graham
Sunday 8th March 2015

I will be attending this event in my Morris Minor Traveller.

"All types of Austin & Morris vehicles will be on display in and around the Paddock, with Test Hill in action, a cavalcade on the Mercedes-Benz World circuit and group photo on the Members’ Banking."

Other things to see include the Brooklands Concorde and the Bus Museum.


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Re: Brooklands Museum, Austin Morris Day ~ 8th March 2015

Alan Graham
My outing today in my Morris Traveller to Brooklands went well. Met a few friends and made some new ones.

Here's a few snaps from the day.

Making it to the top.


In for the Kill...
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