CEWE photo competition - UK's Beautiful Places

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CEWE photo competition - UK's Beautiful Places

Chris Sawyer
Please see details of this photography competition:


Prizes are:

Our exciting first prize includes the CEWE Photo Award as well as a one-of-a-kind trip of your choice valued at 15,000 euros, photo equipment worth 7,500 euros and CEWE photo products worth 2,500 euros.

The other nine category winners will each receive photo equipment worth 5,000 euros as well as CEWE photo products worth 2,500 euros.

As prizes for places 11 through 30, we are awarding each winner photo equipment worth 2,500 euros and CEWE photo products worth 1,000 euros. Winners 31 through 1,000 will each be rewarded with a voucher for CEWE photo products worth 100 euros.

In addition, three winners will be chosen each month, independent from category or country. The monthly winners will each receive a voucher for CEWE photo products worth 100 euros.