Message rom the organiser of South London Camerafair:
We have a Camerafair coming up this Sunday (17 March 2019) in Pratt's Bottom Village Hall, BR6 7PQ.
The number of our, mainly elderly, stall holders as well as visitors has shrank tremendously over the years that these fairs are getting more and more difficult to finance and keep them running. It would be a great loss to the many regulars and loyal photographic club, society, collector members etc., if we were to stop these fairs. I am appealing to everyone connected with photography to support us by encouraging anyone interested in still or cine, analogue or digital photography to encourage their members, friends, associates or anybody interested to visit our fairs. Their visit will prove beneficial to see the development of cameras over the ages and have a chance to own a piece of photographic history that keeps on working even today!
Please click on the links bellow for more information about the fair.
We are pleased to have with us KEH Camera from USA as a stall holder looking to purchase quality used photographic equipment. Please inform everybody to bring all their surplus cameras etc. along as these people are looking to buy a lot!
I am attaching a general leaflet with all our fairs for this year.
Camerafair.pdfPlease inform me of any change of name, email address, or to unsubscribe from our mailing list.
If I can do anything for you please let me know and I will eagerly reciprocate.
Thank you for your continuous support which is very helpful and greatly appreciated.
Kind regards,
(George Kozobolis ARPS)
Organiser South London Camerafair
Tel: 020 8852 7437
Mob: 07944 772365