Camerafair - Sunday, March 2nd - Bexley

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Camerafair - Sunday, March 2nd - Bexley

Chris Sawyer
My name is George [Kozobolis] and I'm writing to you from South London Camerafair. We're thrilled to be hosting our upcoming Camerafair on Sunday, March 2nd, at Freemantle Hall , Bexley Village , DA5 1AA and we'd love to extend a special invitation to your members.

We know how passionate your members are about photography and believe our Camerafair will be a fantastic opportunity for them to find great deals on equipment, connect with fellow enthusiasts and explore further the world of photography.  We'll have a wide range of vendors showcasing film and digital cameras, lenses, accessories, and more, as well as opportunities to buy, sell, and exchange gear.

To make it even more appealing for your members, we're offering the following incentives:

 * Reduced Entry Fee: £3 any time entry fee for club members. Simply show this email or your club membership card at the door.

 * Free Access for Club Representatives: We'd like to offer complimentary access to the fair, at any time on the day, to three of your members. This will allow them to explore the fair at their leisure and perhaps even represent your organisation.

 * Support for Selling/Exchanging: We're happy to assist any of your members who wish to sell or exchange their photographic equipment at the fair.  We can provide dedicated space, offer advice on pricing etc.

 * Display Opportunities: If any of your members would like to showcase their photographic work, we'd be delighted to offer complementary display space.

I have attached a flyer with more details about the Camerafair, including directions and opening times.

Kindest regards,

George Kozobolis ARPS
Organiser South London Camerafair)