Canon EF 35mm f2 (non-IS, non-USM) for sale

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Canon EF 35mm f2 (non-IS, non-USM) for sale

Brian K

I'm selling my mint condition Canon 35mm f2 now that I have a Fuji X100T. This is an excellent lens and a very candid and fair review can be found at:

For any OPS member, family, friend, relative it's yours for a low £125. After a week I'll put up on ebay for £175 for a quick sale. I can be reached directly at 07707 092211.

Here are some specs:

Canon calls this the CANON LENS EF 35mm f/2.
EF means "electronic focus," meaning that there is an autofocus motor in the lens itself. All Canon lenses since 1987 have been EF.
7 elements in 5 groups.
Unit focus.
Multicoated, branded as "Optimized Super Spectra Coating."
Focal Length    
On 1.3x Canon cameras it will see angles-of-view similar to what a 45mm lens would see on a 35mm camera.
On 1.6x Canon cameras it will see angles-of-view similar to what a 55mm lens would see on a 35mm camera, which is actually a very useful zoom range.
Angle of View (on 35mm and full-frame cameras)
63º diagonal.
38º vertical.
54º horizontal.
Close Focus  
0.8 feet (0.25m), specified, from the image plane.
Maximum Reproduction Ratio  
1:4.3 (0.23x), specified.
Canon 35mm f/2
5 blades.
Stops down to f/22.
Hard Infinity Focus Stop?  
Focus Scale?
Depth-of-Field Scale?
Infra-Red Focus Index?
Yes, red dot.
Filter Thread  
Does not rotate.
Canon specifies 2.7" (67.4mm) diameter by 1.7 " (42.5mm) long.
6.760 oz. (191.6g), measured in 2013.
Canon still specifies 7.4 oz. (210 g), the same numbers they've been using since they first introduced this lens decades ago.
Lens and caps
Made in Japan.
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Re: Canon EF 35mm f2 (non-IS, non-USM) for sale

Chris Sawyer
Hi Brian,

I think your 35mm lens this would make a useful addition to my collection of glass.

Pls call me on 01689-889-502 (yup, it's a landline!)