Carshalton CC Event

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Carshalton CC Event

David Barnes
Graham Sergeant FRPS will visit Carshalton Camera Club on 13th May 2019
Graham will present a selection of his audio visuals including the moving Beeswing, which tells the story of Lisa, a young woman from Brighton.  This AV won the RPS National AV award.  Graham has also won the prestigious gold medal Trophee de Paris, the Grand Prix from the Federation Photographique de France – equivalent to our PAGB.  Graham is the first Brit to ever win this award.

Graham’s professional background was making documentaries for the BBC, which together with his expertise as a stills photographer, having gained his FRPS, makes him ideally placed to make stunning  AVs that will stay in your memory for a long time.
You are invited to come along.  Carshalton Camera Club meets at

Lower Park Hall
Carshalton Methodist Church
Ruskin Road
Carshalton SM5 3DE

at 7.30pm for 8.00pm

Guests £5.00 on the door.
Entrance includes refreshments

We look forward to your support

Gerald Kitiyakara LRPS
President, Carshalton Camera Club.