Chairman, Programme for 20/21 and Covi-19 update

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Chairman, Programme for 20/21 and Covi-19 update

Dear Member,

I am honoured to be appointed as Acting-Chairman for Orpington Photographic Society (OPS).  I would like to thank Alan Graham for his massive contribution to OPS as Chairman for the last few years.   His energy and friendly manner will be greatly missed.  I am sure you will join me in wishing him every success in his move to North Yorkshire.

I hope that you have been able to remain active and to keep up your photography during the Lockdown.

Programme for the 2020/21 season and Covid-19 update

We are in unprecedented times with the spread of Coronavirus around the world.  Given the continued risk posed by Coronavirus, the Committee has decided that there will be no physical meetings in the hall at Christ Church until further notice.  From September to December, we will hold weekly club meetings via Zoom and shortly the programme for this period will be posted on the OPS website and the Forum.  The first Zoom meeting of the new season will be Tuesday 15 September which will be a review of the annual OPS v Rotorua competition hosted by Richard Waterman.

We will continue to review developments of the Coronavirus pandemic and post updates via email, the OPS website and the Forum.  Subject to safety considerations, we are aiming for meetings in the hall to restart in January 2021.  

Subscriptions for 2020/21

The Committee has decided that no subscriptions will be charged to existing members in September 2020.  The Committee will review the position again in January, depending on when we return to the hall at Christ Church.  

PDI Challenge

On 27 October, Ian Brash will be judging the first PDI Challenge of the 2020/21 season.  The topic for this challenge is “tension”.  So, start thinking about the images that you will submit for this challenge.  Good luck!

Zoom meetings

You will be sent an email inviting you to our Zoom meetings.  For security reasons, please do not forward the email Zoom invites to others.  Just click on the link to enter the meeting.  The meeting will be open from about 10-15 minutes before the official start time of 8pm to allow you to sign in – this allows the meeting to start on time!  During PDI competitions, members should keep their cameras and mikes turned off.

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Zoom for club evenings.

Take care and stay safe.
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Re: Chairman, Programme for 20/21 and Covi-19 update

Ian Stedman

As mentioned in Philip's post, the September 2020 to December 2020 programme is now online. If you have not checked the website, here is a direct link to the programme:


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Re: Chairman, Programme for 20/21 and Covi-19 update

Hi Ian

Congrats on new role, you may need to check the pdf Attached on forum as only one page showing for download

On 3 Aug 2020, at 22:18, Ian Stedman [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:


As mentioned in Philip's post, the September 2020 to December 2020 programme is now online. If you have not checked the website, here is a direct link to the programme:



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Re: Chairman, Programme for 20/21 and Covi-19 update

Ian Stedman
This post was updated on .

The programme download has been fixed. I'm still earning the intricacies of the website.

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Re: Chairman, Programme for 20/21 and Covi-19 update

Was last night’s talk recorded? I’d like to see it if it was.
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Re: Chairman, Programme for 20/21 and Covi-19 update

Peter the session was not recorded. However, I have asked Bob whether he has recorded this talk elsewhere and whether he would be willing to share it.