Christine Chambers

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Christine Chambers

David Barnes
From Jack Bates

I have just heard the sad news that Christine Chambers died yesterday , 28th October, after her long and painful illness.

She will be recalled with great fondness by many of our members and clubs for her own beautiful and sensitive images, and for the work that she did with Mike in support of every activity in our Federation.

A very sad reminder of the joys we have missed since she became so ill.



Christine's funeral will be on the 14th November at 3:15pm at :-

The Memorial Chapel
The Surrey & Sussex Crematorium
Balcombe Road,
West Sussex
RH10 3NQ

We will organise a post-service drinks and snacks gathering at a nearby location (to be advised soonest).

All are welcome for the service and post-service gathering, so if you are able to be there to see Christine off, then we look forward to seeing you there.

Kind regards

Phil Chambers