Colour Print 1 - result

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Colour Print 1 - result

OPS Notices
The Colour Print competition started with a big bang. Four images gained top marks:

'Chain & Anchor' by Barrie Duffield

'Where Europe meets North America in Iceland' by David Barnes LRPS

'London at Night' by Richard Waterman

and the overall winner:

'Bloomberg Headquarters' by Peter Humphrey FRPS

Our congratulations goes to each of them and this has given Peter a full house of wins in round 1, however...

This season both prints entered count and the overall leader after the first round is:

Philip Brown with 37 points.

There are 4 other members closely behind on 36 points.

Below are the full list of print scores and the current running order of positions:

Print Scores: Colour_Print_Competition_2018_2019_All_Entries.pdf

Positions after round 1: Colour_Print_Competition_2018_2019_Positions.pdf