Colour Print 2 (2019-20) - result

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Colour Print 2 (2019-20) - result

OPS Notices
The second round of the Mono Print Competition saw 15 members submit a total of 30 prints. Our judge, Carol Wright-Griffiths LRPS awarded two 20s.

Our congratulations goes to:

'Terrace Farm Land' by Yicheng Lu

and the winner on the night:

'Tern Hovering in a Shaft of Light' by Fay Saunders

Carol had held 5 images but it is fait to say the quality overall was very good.



NB The bottom 3 members have only entered 1 round.

The 3rd and final round of the Colour Print competition will be held on Tuesday 10th March 2020. prints should be submitted by 3rd March 2020.