Colour and Mono print round 3 and overall results

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Colour and Mono print round 3 and overall results

OPS Notices
On Tuesday 22nd March we had the third and final round of the print competition.

First up was the colour print round 3. Only two images were selected for top marks:

Short Eared Owl by Fay Saunders scored 20.

Tackled by David Barnes was awarded 20+

After the three rounds, the top 3 photographers were:

3rd place with a score of 111+ was Peter Humphrey.
2nd place with a score of 114 was Fay Saunders.
1st place with a score of 115 was Philip Brown.

Congratulations to you all.

After a short tea break the mono prints were reviewed. Perhaps the cup of tea fuelled the judge as a total of 8 images were awarded top marks:

Road runner by Barrie Duffield
Male Concept Instantiated by David Barnes
The Girl behind the veil by Fay Saunders
V22 Osprey by Fay Saunders
The derelict millenium mills of Silvertown by Ian Stedman
Blackfriars bridge by Peter Humphrey
In the Fog by Ron Jarvis

The overall winner was One space left by Peter Humphrey

After the three rounds, the top 3 photographers were:

3rd place with a score of 110+ was Philip Brown.
2nd place with a score of 113+ was Peter Humphrey.
1st place with a score of 115 was Fay Saunders.

Congratulations to you all.

A special mention should be made about Barrie Duffield, the judge did pass comment that he would have changed the scores if he had known it was Barrie's work

All 20 scoring prints were collected at the end of the evening, ready for entry into the Colour and Mono print finals.

Full scoresheets and positions are below.