Crappy wildlife pictures

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Crappy wildlife pictures

Ian Stedman

One of my favourite sites to waste some time is Boredpanda, who have some great photo articles, particular this one:
Does the first picture in that link say it was by RA Waterman?

What bad or poorly timed photos have you taken?

I'll start. 6 years ago, nearly to the day, I was on Zuma beach in California (just along from Malibu) and 30-50m away at sea was a humpback whale and 4 dolphins. I reached for my camera, to get this wonderful photo:

Yep, totally mistimed it for the second or two they were all underneath the water. Did not zoom or set burst mode either. Anyone care to critique this?

I have a few more but what photos do the other members have?
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Re: Crappy wildlife pictures

Alan Graham
Ian your horizon is pretty much straight.

I was on a bird sanctuary island off New Zealand when I gave up climbing a hill and waited for the group to come back down.

Whilst waiting a very rare and endangered Black Robin flew into a small pool next to me. Here's my shot...

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