Darren Woolway

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Darren Woolway

For those that know Darren he has tonight posted the following: ( We will need a new judge for our PDI off the year comp)

Dear all Clubs and Club Members,

I have had to come to a hard to decision to withdraw from all of my commitments in regards to talks and judging over the next 2 seasons and for the remainder of this one. I must apologise to all those of you whom I have not managed to respond to, this is very unlike me, I have just been very overwhelmed. Unfortunately Zoom Meetings doesn’t work for me as the area I live in has terrible internet connection. With on average 35 bookings across the season I know it is going to cause havoc to programs everywhere.

There are several reasons for this, firstly I started a new business in October, which is going really well; however, it is taking considerably more of my time than I expected. Thank you to all of those that have visited my new business already. On top of this business I am still running my photographic work, so evenings are spent writing pitches, responding to emails and editing shoots. Secondly, I am expecting my first child in October, with my already tight schedule I would like to leave some time available for my new family.

I was honoured to be awarded Premier Judge status earlier this year, and where possible will be open to judge a couple of Club Battles or larger competitions.

Thank you all for your support and understanding.

Darren Woolway ARPS, AMPA, Ba(Hons)
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Re: Darren Woolway

Yes I saw this earlier.  Disappointing!