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Discussion Groups

David Barnes
The next meeting will take place at 19:30 on 16 December. The meeting will be held at Westcombe Park Rugby Club.
As usual the fee will be £2 per member.

Please reply to this post with topics that you would like to be considered for inclusion in the meeting.
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Re: Discussion Groups

Chris Sawyer
I would like to take better photos of landscapes, but find that the sky often has blown highlights.  I have been thinking about buying some Neutral Density filters, but am unsure where to start.  Should I use screw-in circular filters or slot-in square filters?  What densities do I need (0.3, 0.6, etc)?  Should I buy a hard-grad or soft-grad filter?  I guess a dark club room is not the best place to demo filters, but if anyone has a filter kit I would be interested to see how they work in practice.
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Re: Discussion Groups

Alan Graham
My iMac will be arriving the day before.

Guess what I will need help with...

PS. If you're lucky I might bring a birthday cake along.
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