Down's Syndrome

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Down's Syndrome

Richard W

Spotted an article on BBC news website and followed it thru about a young guy suffering with Down's Syndrome who is really into photography.

Might I ask you all to view his website and see some of his outstanding work and how he "sees" his subjects, also see the BBC news clip they have posted there as this is where he describes his approach to his photography. A true inspiration who is not letting his syndrome stand in his way.

He has the necessary links to Facebook etc on his site if you would like to follow him. Maybe we from OPS could send him a message to let him know how impressed we are about his work, I am sure he will be mighty chuffed if we did.
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Re: Down's Syndrome

Richard W
As a follow up to those without Facebook, here is the BBC thread
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Re: Down's Syndrome

David Barnes
I saw this item and Follow him. Perhaps OPS could Follow as well.