Eastern side of the Isle of Dogs

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Eastern side of the Isle of Dogs

Ian Stedman
Following on from Last year's trip around the Western side of the Isle of Dogs, here is an idea to cover the eastern side:

Saturday 13th April, Saturday 20th July or Saturday 17th August. Vote below

I don't have visibility of planned engineering works this far ahead, so could be subject to change.

I would start at Island Gardens (DLR station) and end at Canary Wharf where there are more refreshment options. Would go with my usual 10:30 start.
Which dates suit you?
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Re: Eastern side of the Isle of Dogs

Ian Stedman

Let's aim for Saturday 20th July as the first option. No TFL works are planned but don't know about South eastern works, yet.

Will keep the 17th August as a backup in case of travel issues or if it is too hot or wet.
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Re: Eastern side of the Isle of Dogs

Noted, thank you.
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Re: Eastern side of the Isle of Dogs

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by Ian Stedman

As it's now July, time to check in on this one. Who is interested in attending?

Have just noticed in the latest polling, Saturday 17th August has 8 votes, to 7 votes for Saturday 20th July.
I'm happy to move to the August date if that is the consensus?

I'm now the Official Photographer for Chantry Model boat club :) and 20th/21st July is our open weekend, so I'm in favour of moving to August.
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Re: Eastern side of the Isle of Dogs

Greg Bridges
Hi Ian
Just double checking. Was Docklands moved to August? Cheers Greg
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Re: Eastern side of the Isle of Dogs

Ian Stedman
Hi Greg,

Yes it has moved to August, as it was the more popular date.

There are engineering works, again affecting the Orpington area but I think you're Ok:

Grove Park Line: Trains between London Charing Cross and Sevenoaks via Grove Park will only run between London Charing Cross and Orpington.

Additional trains will run between London Charing Cross and Orpington.

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Re: Eastern side of the Isle of Dogs

A few efforts from the day - shorts were the order of the day finished off with a drink in the George with George!
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Re: Eastern side of the Isle of Dogs

Chris Sawyer
Seems like you all had a nice day.

I like the 3 towers in the reflection..2 of them are so neatly framed in the vertical lines.