Enquiry from public via email for all budding film photo enthusiasts

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Enquiry from public via email for all budding film photo enthusiasts

Note to Hon Sec,  Ms C Cuell.
                        I wonder if one of the experts in OPS could assist with a problem:-   I have an elderly camera ( a Nikon AF200)  with a jammed mechanism, but with a twenty four exposures 35mm colour film still within.   After a period of nine or ten years since its last use, I cannot now recall how much, if any of the film may have been exposed.
                      The camera itself has no value, especially now it’s defective, but I’d very much like to see if there are any pictures which are recoverable, and could be developed & printed.  Naturally, I’d be pleased to pay any reasonable costs incurred.
                     Do you feel that anyone in the Society might be able to help and if so, maybe you’d let me know the position via an e-mail reply.   I live locally at the Green Street Green end of Orpington, not very far from your club venue in Charterhouse Road, and could bring the camera along to one of your meetings if there’s someone who’d be interested in solving the problem.
                                    Thank you in advance for your kind consideration,
                                    Best Regards,

                                      A R May

Please reply direct by email to armay40@btinternet.com
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