Extraordinary General Meeting to appoint new auditor
Below is written notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting to appoint a new auditor which will be held at the start of the club meeting on 23rd February. The resolution will also be posted on the notice board.
A resolution to appoint an auditor
Background Rule 11 states:
“A General Meeting shall be held before the second week in May of each year for the presentation…of a report of the year’s activities including audited accounts and for the election…of one auditor for the ensuing year. “
The society’s current auditor, Keith Andrews, who has provided this service free of charge for many years has agreed, at our request, to retire from this position. It is proposed that a new auditor be appointed to allow the accounts for the year ending 31 December 2015 to be audited as required by Rule 11.
Proposal It is proposed that Janet Nash be appointed as auditor for the current year.
An Extraordinary General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 23 February 2016 at 8pm in accordance with Rule 12.