Farringdon to the Barbican walk Sat 23rd April

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Farringdon to the Barbican walk Sat 23rd April

Ian Stedman

Processing the survey responses, I can plan the first outing from my list. The walk would encompass the Barbican centre.

Meeting point 
Outside Farringdon Station around 10:30 AM.
Take the regular train to London Bridge then the Thameslink train for 3 stops to Farringdon.

The route

We'll start at Farringdon, then walk about 1/2 mile to Barbican. We have potential diversions to Smithfield, London Wall or Charterhouse square.

I grabbed this from the Barbican website:

We'll likely start around beech Gardens and end at point 5, Gilbert bridge.

Will research some prospective places for Lunch in the area.

We can then proceed eastward to Moorgate where you can take the Circle line to Cannon Street or Charing Cross via Embankment.

Last time in London we explored 'The Ned' and 1 new Change by St Pauls, open to suggestions of places to divert to.
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Re: Farringdon to the Barbican walk Sat 23rd April

Ian Stedman

Just over a week to go. I have requested and receive 9 free tickets to the Barbican conservatory, have 12:15 entry time.

I had 7 yes responses to my survey for this date. Will look into refreshment options over the coming days.

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Re: Farringdon to the Barbican walk Sat 23rd April

Looking good Ian, will be going and as not heard about conservatory
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Re: Farringdon to the Barbican walk Sat 23rd April

In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
Hi Ian, I should be there to meet at Farringdon Station
City Point, Ropemaker Street was mentioned in Feb issue of Digital Camera on a walk by a cityscape photographer who started at the Barbican. Had a quick look and may be of interest.
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Re: Farringdon to the Barbican walk Sat 23rd April

Richard W
In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
I am aiming to be there too :-)
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Re: Farringdon to the Barbican walk Sat 23rd April

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by Ian Stedman

From the outings survey, the following members responded yes:
David Bacon ,who have all confirmed,

Anyone else?

David Bacon, I'm looking at Citypoint now, worth a look as it's on the route.
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Re: Farringdon to the Barbican walk Sat 23rd April

Anyone departing from Orpington for LB on Saturday ……..
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Re: Farringdon to the Barbican walk Sat 23rd April

Hoping to come, but have covid at the moment. I should be ok by then. Have not had any real symptoms, so may have had it longer than I think
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Re: Farringdon to the Barbican walk Sat 23rd April

In reply to this post by Bazza
Good afternoon all.
I hope you get negative results soon Fay 🙂

Ian, my trip travel plans have changed so, is there room for me on the outing?

If there is, I would be going from Orpington. Looking at the trains, the 09:09 would be best as it arrives in time for a Farringdon train at 10:01 from London Bridge (platform 5).

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Re: Farringdon to the Barbican walk Sat 23rd April

Your not using the Freedom Pass then, officially starts at 0930 for rail.