Final Call for Annual Exhibition Submissions

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Final Call for Annual Exhibition Submissions

OPS Notices
A polite reminder that the entry forms, payment and prints for this year’s Annual Exhibition should be handed in no later than the AGM next Tuesday.

If any of your prints are from the recent finals please let Alan Graham or Chris Nash know on the night and they will move them into the exhibition case. The prints from the finals will be at the meeting if you wish to take them home. Please consider their use at our permanent gallery at the Orpington Village Hall or leave with David Grimwade for displaying at the church.

The following prints have automatic entry into the annual exhibition having won their respective rounds during the season.

Colour Prints:

‘Hut on the Hill’ by Richard Waterman
‘The Blue Window’ by Peter Humphrey ARPS
‘Where Am I!’ by Barrie Duffield LRPS

‘Pecking Order’ by Alan Graham LRPS

Mono Prints:

‘Harley Davidson’ by Chris Sawyer
‘Close Encounter’ by Bob Mabberley
‘Lady In Black’ by Chris Nash

‘Shepard’ by Yicheng Lu
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Re: Final Call for Annual Exhibition Submissions

OPS Notices
A final call for your Annual Exhibition submissions to be handed in at the AGM tonight.

The Print of the Year images will be brought into the meeting. Anyone not wishing them to be displayed at our permanent gallery at the Orpington Village Hall should collect them. The only ones missing are those selected for next season's SLF competition, as listed elsewhere.

If any of these prints are to be part of the Annual Exhibition please make it clear to Chris Nash or Alan Graham this is the case.
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Re: Final Call for Annual Exhibition Submissions

Chris Sawyer
I would like my exhibition prints to be displayed in the following gallery format:

Pool, pond, lake, sea and river

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Re: Final Call for Annual Exhibition Submissions

Chris Sawyer
Orpington 1st has included details of our exhibition on page 33 of their magazine..

There is also an advert for our club on page 17.  

Both these mentions were free thanks to our on-going association with Orpington 1st.