For those wishing to know about PS

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For those wishing to know about PS

I suggest you view the attached five day training free of charge if watched live from 1300 hours each day ( recording stays live for 48 hours)

Not sure if suitable for everyone but worth looking

It’s just started the first session

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Re: For those wishing to know about PS

Barrie, I listened to a few of the sessions on use of layers and masking in Photoshop.  I thought the session by Jesus Raminez was good.  There was another session which created masks from mono images which I thought could be useful.  Overall a lot to digest.  I need to sit down and try out a few of the techniques.
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Re: For those wishing to know about PS

Yes agree I had to be selective as a lot to take on board, Raminez was good, although videos were far too expensive to purchase so I recorded those of interest.

I will check my recordings also worth viewing this recent basic but simple session on understanding masking from Sean Bagshaw

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On 30 Apr 2020, at 14:22, PhilipiBrown [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <ml+[hidden email]> wrote:

Barrie, I listened to a few of the sessions on use of layers and masking in Photoshop.  I thought the session by Jesus Raminez was good.  There was another session which created masks from mono images which I thought could be useful.  Overall a lot to digest.  I need to sit down and try out a few of the techniques.

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