Forum Theme Challenge

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Forum Theme Challenge

OPS Notices
I have been wanting members to add images to the forum for a while and after the talk by Pat & Ian on personal challenges I thought I'd start the ball rolling.

Simple rules.

Topic: Must keep to subject.
Time Limit: The calendar month the theme is posted.
Where & When: No location limits but try to use images taken for the challenge (ie not from old files.)
Remember: It is just fun, taking part is more important than a winning shot.

As per the talk this month's theme is ICE. You have until the end of the February to come up with something. More than one image can be posted by each member. Be creative and try to push or learn new techniques.

Ice Sculpture (taken 3/2/19)
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Re: Forum Theme Challenge

Richard W
That looks like a plastic ornament you bought in Orpington market ha ha!

Well done for starting this off, game on !!
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Re: Forum Theme Challenge

OPS Notices
Looking forward to seeing your "Fly in Ice Tray"...
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Re: Forum Theme Challenge

In reply to this post by OPS Notices
Wing Mirror by Peter Humphrey FRPS
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Re: Forum Theme Challenge

Richard W
Wow - how difficult it is to imagine an image then shoot ice. The hard thing is getting the exposure right BEFORE the bleeding ice melts :-)

I messed around with a few ideas, showing below with comments are few for a laugh. I haven't given up on this "yet", the fog in my brain is misted rather than frozen!

Ice worker1

Ice worker 2

Ice workers
This "ice" is formed of bubbles from water/fairy liquid mix. You gotta be quick to shoot cos it melts so quick!

Ice-cream (oh dear)
My "idea" here was to pour the cream over the ice cubes to see the effect. AS you can see it fell flat

Again, it didn't turn out as I had pictured it in my brain but..............who's for iced-tea?

Watch this space.............
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Re: Forum Theme Challenge

Chris Sawyer

I like Ice Worker 2 with what looks like the Northern Lights in the background.  The Iced Tea looks like something from a horror movie about zombies. Well done.

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Re: Forum Theme Challenge

Richard W
Thanks Chris, I will admit to being a bit lucky with the background. It is a clear cellophane A4 size envelope sitting on my stainless steel draining board. The colour is a reflection of the board coming through with the weird effect. The ice has a "pink" tinge to it because I lit it from a distance with a red LED
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Re: Forum Theme Challenge

OPS Notices
Well we have a start. You may submit as many as you like until the end of the month.

If anyone wants some ideas here's a few...
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Re: The Curious Incident of the Missing Finger

This post was updated on .
I could not hang around for colder weather so looked into the Garage Freezer for this.....

Title linked to recent theatre trip to see "The Curious Incident of the Dog ......"

More incrimanting evidence
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Re: The Curious Incident of the Missing Finger

Richard W
Looks like you are giving someone the "cold" finger :-)