Here are some pre-digital items that have been offered to OPS for FREE.
If there are any collectors or 35mm workers out there, please contact:
Richard Duggan at: richard@radix-design.co.uk
Hi, OPS.
We live in Orpington in the course of a domestic "tidy-up" we have come
across various photographic items (many of them inherited) for which we
have no use.
We would be happy to donate them to OPS if they are of any use. I really
don't want to take them to the dump, I would just prefer to see them go
to a good home.
The main items are (nothing digital):
Boxes of Gepe (glass) and Agfa (non-glass) 35mm slide mounts
Agfa slide mount press
Several 35mm compact cameras, Olympus
Topcon RM300 35mm SLR camera, 55mm Topcor F1.7 lens
Two 35mm slide viewers, Photax and Wotan: both fairly serious items, the
Wotan has a large (maybe 9") rear projection screen
Substantial quantity of clear floppy insert pages to hold 35mm slides or
10*15cm prints in ring binders
Voigtlander V38RES thyristor (electronic) flash
Please let me know if any of these items would be of any use to you.
They may all be a bit too 20th century in these digital days!
Best regards,
Richard Dungan