Free assorted equipment - if you want it, let me know

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Free assorted equipment - if you want it, let me know

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Olympus odd sods

Olympus Film era OM series - Power Bounce Grip 2 for OM film era flash heads - Mint

Electronic Flash FL-50R [4 x AA batteries] in case with diffuser head, bounce attachment & two softening filters. Guide number 50: 50 meters at ISO 100 - Mint*

Olympus Hood for the Olympus Zuiko Digital ED 50-200mm f2.8-3.5 lens - this was for my Four-Thirds sensor E3 camera. [Costs £35 new] Mint

Other equipment

Metz 45 CL-4 Professional twin bounce flash with adapter for flash sync. terminal. Comes with battery holder for 4 x AA batteries. Guide number 45: 45 meters at ISO 100 with a 35mm lens on a full frame SLR - Well Used

Knight Flashgun TTL Trigger TR-331RX - Battery: CR2**

Precision Gold M285 Multimeter, missing temperature probe

*Manual can be downloaded for free at:

**Manual is accessible for free at:
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Re: Free assorted equipment - if you want it, let me know

Chris Sawyer
Hi Steve,

I am interested  in the FL-50R flash as I don't have one for my Olympus OMD-EM10.  How much do you want for it?


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Re: Free assorted equipment - if you want it, let me know

A £5 donation to the OPS would be great.
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Re: Free assorted equipment - if you want it, let me know

Chris Sawyer
Good idea to make a donation to OPS.  I will donate £20 for the flash gun.  Can you bring it along to the Brick Lane walk?  Thanks   Chris
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Re: Free assorted equipment - if you want it, let me know

Chris Sawyer
Steve,  Thanks for the Olympus flash gun.  I've tried it out and it works really well.  I made the donation to OPS funds.
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Re: Free assorted equipment - if you want it, let me know

In reply to this post by hammettsr
I have some items to add, for those with Nikon cameras.

MB-D12 Side grip with holder for EN-EL18C/D Battery. The side grip fits the following full-frame Nikon cameras: D800, D800E, D810, D810a. I originally paid over £400 for it but £10 donated to the OPS would be welcome if you can use it.

I also have the twin charger for the EN-EL18C Battery, the old MH-26a but it will not charge the newer EN-EL18D Battery for the Nikon Z9 camera. :( It originally cost me £345. A donation to the OPS would be welcome if you can use this.