Friends of Goddington Park Calendar

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Friends of Goddington Park Calendar

Chris Sawyer


We're the Friends of Goddington Park in Orpington, a voluntary group working with Bromley council and their maintenance contractors to preserve and promote the park.

Fundraising is a big part of what we do and at the moment we're running a fundraiser photo calendar competition which your members might be interested in. There are no prizes I'm afraid, however it is free to enter!  I'd be grateful if you would distribute details to your members if you think it appropriate.

We're looking for images of Goddington Park in all its glory. The final selection will be made by a professional landscape photographer and of course, featured in the calendar (12 landscape and 1 portrait pages). Photos will ideally be in pdf format, but if not, just send them in and we'll do the rest! Entries can be emailed to us here - just tell us your name, when it was taken, and a couple of lines about why you like Goddington Park. Details on our website - link at the bottom of this email.


Thanks very much for your help!

Trizia Wells, Fundraiser

Best wishes
The Friends of Goddington Park Committee

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

Friends of Goddington Park — FOGP