Fwd: Inter-Club Battle Orpington - Tobnbridge

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Re: Fwd: Inter-Club Battle Orpington - Tobnbridge

David Barnes
I'm back from Egypt.
I'll come.
Anyone need a lift or offering one?
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Re: Fwd: Inter-Club Battle Orpington - Tobnbridge

Richard W
is salām 'alaykum Mr Barnes

My car is full at the mo, sorry
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Re: Inter-Club Battle Orpington - Tobnbridge

If you call in to my address just before 7 pm we may have space as Yicheng was poss using his 7 seater if we have too many numbers for my five seats.

Currently joining us are 
Chris x 2
Martin Adams - maybe
Plus Yicheng 

Martin, can you confirm and Yicheng - my address is 41 Broxbourne Road BR60AZ

Sent from my iPad

On 29 Nov 2016, at 09:56, Richard W [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

is salām 'alaykum Mr Barnes

My car is full at the mo, sorry

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Re: Inter-Club Battle Orpington - Tobnbridge

In reply to this post by Bazza
Thanks, Barrier!

I will arrive at your address before 7pm today.

see you!

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Re: Inter-Club Battle Orpington - Tobnbridge

Alan Graham
In reply to this post by Bazza
I won't be making it tonight, my nap after arriving on our flight at 4.30am became unconsciousness and I wouldn't want my snoring interrupting the proceedings. 

Hope we do well, could someone report back after with the result and scores?

On 1 Dec 2016 10:22 a.m., "luybkm [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum]" <[hidden email]> wrote:
Thanks, Barrier!

I will arrive at your address before 7pm today.

see you!


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Re: Inter-Club Battle Orpington - Tobnbridge

Chris Sawyer
Last night 8 members visited Tonbridge for the annual Christmas battle judged by John Staples from Eastbourne CC.  There were 18 PDIs for each club.

As usual, we finished 2nd scoring 313 out of 360.  Tonbridge were slightly ahead with 325 out of 360.  

The good news is that there were 6 images that scored 20, of which 3 were by Orpington members:

20 - Bridge of Sun - Barrie Duffield
20 - Disused Escalator, Charing Cross Station - Peter Humphrey
20 - Journey Home - Yicheng Lu

The judge awarded 5 scores of 19, all to Tonbridge (boo!!)

Our other scores were:

18 - Boudoir in White - Neil Hobday
18 - Innocence 2 - Neil Hobday
17 - At the sharp end - Alan Graham
17 - Autumn Morning - David Grimwade
17 - Down a bit - Richard Waterman
17 - Harley Davidson - Chris Sawyer
17-  Kelp farm - Yicheng Lu
17 - Lake Wanaka - Peter Humphrey
17 - Realism in Art - David Barnes
17- Where do you think you left the plane - Chris Nash
17 - Yes You! - Malcolm Ming
16 -39th Step - Bob Mabberley
16 - Modernistic London - Alan Parkinson
16 - Nigella - Bob Mabberley
16 - On the water's edge - Tracey Elvidge

The evening ended with drinks and mince pies and a resolution to beat Tonbridge CC next year.

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Re: Inter-Club Battle Orpington - Tobnbridge

A suggestion for the future would be to put on this website before any external competition (SLF, Tonbridge etc) the names of the images and their authors in the panel representing the Society. That way, any member who has an image in the panel might be more inclined to attend the event, myself included :)