Fwd: Lightroom Classes (Virtual Summit) - Dates for the Diary

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Fwd: Lightroom Classes (Virtual Summit) - Dates for the Diary

Hi guys

Thought you may wish to add the below training online session link - I have just been invited to attend in May.

This could be linked to any announcements following recent survey results.

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Begin forwarded message:

From: Glyn Dewis <[hidden email]>
Date: 14 March 2021 at 18:00:00 GMT
To: Barrie <[hidden email]>
Subject: Lightroom Classes (Virtual Summit) - Dates for the Diary
Reply-To: Glyn Dewis <[hidden email]>

 Lightroom Classes (Virtual Summit) - Dates for the Diary

Hi Barrie

Thought I’d catch up as I’ve not emailed for a couple of weeks or so having been on my own lockdown-lockdown finishing writing my latest book.

Happy to say that it’s all done and now with the publishers to do their magic deciphering my words, page layout and everything else that goes into it.

That’s not the reason for me getting in touch though; I wanted to give you the heads-up about the FREE Lightroom Virtual Summit coming in May.

This is a FREE to watch event over 5 days (3rd - 7th May) with 40 classes and 30 hours of Lightroom classes covering all sorts of stuff like a Printing Masterclass, Colour Grading, Black & White, Range Masks, Timelapses, Dodging and Burning, Importing and Organising and so on… I’m genuinely excited about this one because this is 100% for people who are into photography (Beginner thru Advanced)…


Glyn Dewis
78 Hampden Square, Upper Heyford
Bicester, Oxfordshire OX25 5AH
United Kingdom

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Re: Fwd: Lightroom Classes (Virtual Summit) - Dates for the Diary

Chris Sawyer
Thanks Barrie - I signed up for the Lightroom Virtual Summit.