Name - Ben Jones
Email - ben@thesocieties.net
Subject - Gravesend photographic roadshow
Hi, I just thought I would drop you a quick message regarding our free photographic roadshow in Gravesend (The Inn on The Lake Hotel) on Tuesday 24th May.
These roadshows are the perfect opportunity to catch up with the latest products and services from the trade and gain education from a series of talks.
Free Masterclasses
• 10:00-11:00 – Damian McGillicuddy Grand Master FSWPP – Making light work – major gains for mini effort
• 12:00-13:00 – Satnam Dosajh FSWPP – The Speed of Sony
• 14:00-15:00 – Jane Allan – Boudoir with the Bare Essentials
If you could let your members know that would be great and look forward in seeing you there.
Kind Regards
Ben Jones
The Societies of Photographers